Circular Design at the Impacthon 2020 with CircularCoCreation

Circular Design at the Impacthon 2020 with CircularCoCreation

Design ohne Titel

Our Partner CircularCoCreation have been designing and facilitating the second day at this years Impacthon. They shaped and molded the day according to their innovative circular design method.

Circular Design is what makes the transformation to a Circular Economy possible. Or as Franziska from CCC would say:

If Design Thinking, Systems Thinking and the Circular Economy had a baby, it would be called Circular Design.

Franziska Graf

Currently, we are all consumers in an economy consisting of the linear process of take, make, waste. But as we transition to one that massively reduces waste and instead promotes a variety of re-use approaches, we will each become shareholders in the delivery and cycling of goods and services throughout the economy. The goal? Nothing is wasted, everything is regenerative. This requires a redesign of nearly everything.

Design, in this context, does not refer to the conzeptualization of the pretty furniture or the stylish shoes you see behind the shopping window you regularly walk past. Instead, design refers to any courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones (Herbert Simon, 1969). In short, it is creation with intention.

Learn more about Circular Design Methods!